R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUREV A> by typing MENUREV at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering REVELATION TUTORIAL END OF SESSION A:B::B:C ; or A is to B as B is to C ; or A/B=B/C.
then the grammatical structure of this text is
d. If A = believer, and B = Jesus, and C = Father,
c. We are related to Christ as Christ is related to the Father.
b. The reward Jesus attained we will also attain.
a. Jesus is the pattern or paradigm for our salvation. interpretations of 3:21. YES/NO difficult -- and indicate whether they are reasonable Study the following statements carefully -- they may prove 2. 3:21 is a truly remarkable promise! Screen # 14/14
Select all the items by which Jesus describes them (3:17). perceived themselves and the way Jesus perceived them. 1. There was a sharp difference in the way the people of Laodicea Revelation 3:14-22
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a. 90 b. 900 c. 1900
was written?
About how many years has it been now since this promise 5. `I am coming soon' (3:11)
d. It will come just before the end of the world.
c. Jesus will protect the Philadelphian Christians.
b. It will come only upon Christians.
a. It will come upon everybody living on earth. 4. The hour of trial (3:10), implies:
c. Evangelistic openings.
b. Opportunity of service to others.
a. Entry into the kingdom of God. 3. In 3:8 the open door probably means:Screen # 12/14 also controls access to the kingdom of God.
b. Yes, the same key which controls access to Hades
death and Hades are plural.
a. No, the key of David is singular, the keys of 2. Are these two sets of keys the same for Jesus?
Rev. 3:7 b. Jesus has the key of David.
Rev. 1:1 a. Jesus has the keys of death and Hades. 1. MATCH. Revelation 3:7-13
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c. Figurative: the list of those who will live forever.
b. The list of church members.
a. The Bible. 3. What is meant by `the book of life' (3:5)? b. Jesus is looking for a secret opportunity to ruin them.
not wake up.
a. Jesus will take away their lampstand if they do 2.
The point of this warning is:
a. merchant b. king c. thief d. prophet
himself to a: 1.
In 3:3 Jesus warns the church in Sardis by comparing Revelation 3:1-6
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through the life and testimony of Christians.
e. The gospel will exert power within nations
even in ungodly countries.
d. Christians will be given power to live for Christ
the power of godless nations.
c. Christians will be given spiritual strength to resist
the entire world.
b. The Christian Church will eventually dominate
if not all, the countries of the world.
a. Christians will become political rulers in most, `authority over the nations'? 3. Which of the following conclusions express the meaning of 2:26,Screen # 9/14
f. Don't be conservative.
e. Make your church services entertaining.
d. Be sure to have programs for the young people.
c. Increase your membership 10% next year.
b. By all means win people.
a. If your church doesn't grow, it will die.
YES/NO applications can be legitimately derived from this advice. 2. This is interesting ecclesiology! Show whether or not the following Complete 2:25, `Only on to what you have until I .' 3. What advice does Jesus give to this church in Thyatira?Screen # 8/14 Enter y or n .
e. The Lord does reward righteousness.
d. The Lord does punish sin.
c. People get what they deserve.
b. Jesus is always ready to forgive.
a. We must earn our way into heaven.
YES/NO. be drawn from this principle. 2. Show whether the following conclusions can legitimately `I will each of you according to your .' which governs his judgments. Complete: 1. In the last part of 2:23 Jesus expresses an ethical principle Revelation 2:18-29
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c. promoting factions, speaking in tongues
b. observing sabbath, condoning kosher food
a. eating idol-food, approving sexual immorality practice? If this sect is similar to that described in 2:14, what did they that it has some members who are Nicolaitans (2:15; cf. 2:6). 2. One of the criticisms Jesus makes of the church in Pergamum is
c. The ancient cult of Satan worship was located there.
b. The city was the center for emperor worship in Asia.
a. Pergamum was an extremely wicked city. Which of the following is the more likely interpretation? his throne,' and `where Satan lives.' (2:13) 1. Jesus refers to the city of Pergamum as the city `where Satan has Revelation 2:12-17
Screen # 6/14 c. Dying is a fearful experience.
b. Persevering Christians will not suffer eternal death.
will have no special problems.
a. Persons who die twice (like Lazarus, John 11:43) 3. What does the promise concerning `the second death' mean?
c. Philadelphia
b. Sardis
a. Thyatira 2. In which other letter does Jesus use this term (`synagogue of Satan')?
c. The unconverted Gentile community.
b. A group of heretical Christians.
a. The unconverted Jewish community. 1. To whom does Jesus refer by the term `a synagogue of Satan' (2:9)? Revelation 2:8-11
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c. Christians will be prosperous in this life.
b. Those who remain faithful to Christ will live forever.
a. Every Christian becomes like Adam or Eve. means what? 2. The promise in 2:7, `the right to eat from the tree of life,' Enter a letter.
c. To remove the preacher from the church.
b. To allow the church itself to disappear.
a. To take away the gospel. 1. What would it mean to remove the lampstand (2:5)? Revelation 2:1-7
You will be asked to do some interesting interpretation. in Session 4 examine specific items in each. of the seven letters. The remaining exercises The preceding exercises compared the general features Screen # 4/14 Enter a number or a letter as appropriate. 6. Tolerate Jezebel f. Strengthen; remember; obey; repent. 5. No criticism (twice) e. Repent of idol-food, immorality. 4. Lukewarm d. Hold on to what you have. (twice) 3. Loss of first love c. Do what you did at first. 2. Incomplete deeds b. Buy gold, clothes, salve. 1. Hold teachings of Balaam a. Be faithful, even to death. CENSURE ADVICE
CHURCH CENSURE ADVICE MATCH. 3. Most churches receive censure, all receive advice.Screen # 3/14
Wishy-washy regarding the faith.
Small and weak in number; strong in faith.
Remaining faithful even tho one man martyred.
Growing in the works of faith.
Good reputation; bad character.
Distinguishes true from false apostles.
Being slandered by non-Christian Jews. 2. Identify the churches which are analyzed as follows:
faithfully they reflect the nature and character of Jesus.
they reflect his own character. Churches are measured by how
scriptions of Jesus. Jesus evaluates churches by how well
The main feature of the letters is demonstrated in these de-
Screen # 2/14 Enter letters. b. Smyrna d. Thyatira f. Philadelphia a. Ephesus c. Pergamum e. Sardis g. Laodicea
walks among the seven golden lampstands
Holds seven stars in his right hand and
Holds the key of David
Holds seven spirits of God and seven stars
Has the sharp, double-edged sword
The Amen, the faithful and true witness
Eyes are like blazing fire and feet are like burnished bronze
The First and the Last, who died and came to life again
descriptive items is used. (chap. 2 - 3) 1. Identify the letter in which each of the following by using one or more of the items of that vision. He describes Jesus in each letter by his exhilarating vision of the resurrected Lord. John was guided substantially in his writingScreen # 1/14
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Further instructions will then appear on line 23. questions. After each answer please press the ENTER key. Clear and concise instructions are provided on-screen for all INSTRUCTIONS Press ENTER to continue REVELATION TUTORIAL